或许大家对近日之新闻报道有所耳闻。《周日泰晤士报》于2022年4月17日发表了一篇名为“《戈夫先生威胁将把身缠外立面问题的建筑商Galliard Homes加入黑名单》”的文章。该篇文章充斥大量不实信息,我们已与该报社法务部取得联系以有力驳斥此无端指控。
Galliard Homes始终致力于确保所开发项目的房屋安全。我们一直并将持续全力修复建筑问题。我们与住户展开紧密合作,在尽可能不打扰业主和不对其产生额外费用的前提下用最恰当的方式解决每项问题。 我们与英国国家房屋建筑委员会携手并肩,在没有向业主收取任何费用的情况下,为位于格林威治的New Captial Quay项目的11栋楼共计1000余户单元免费重新铺设外立面。
这真实地体现了我们对于客户的承诺。更换外立面涉及大量且繁复的工作,其中包括安排24小时人工值班和安装及拆除临时消防安全设备。 Galliard Homes 非常重视企业责任。我们一直秉承着对业主和住户高度负责的经营理念。
我们自始至终与英国政府明确表示更换外立面所产生的费用应由包含我司在内的各方公平分担。为积极响应近日英国政府基于自愿原则鼓励全行业修复历史建筑问题的号召,我很高兴地宣布根据公司商业原则,Galliard Homes已签署《建筑安全修复承诺书》。
斯蒂芬·康威 董事长兼首席执行官
Dear All
You may have seen the recent press coverage, on the 17th April 2022, in the Sunday Times in relation to our company. The article under the headline “Gove threat to blacklist cladding-row builder Galliard Homes”, was full of gross inaccuracies, and we have been in contact with the legal department at the Sunday Times to robustly refute these allegations.
Galliard Homes is dedicated to ensuring the safety of the homes within our developments. We have always been, and continue to be, fully committed to rectifying any defects to our buildings. We work closely with residents to ensure any necessary action is undertaken in an expedient way with as little disruption as possible and at no cost to leaseholders.
Our commitment to our customers was exemplified when, together with the NHBC, we re-clad over 1000 homes across 11 separate buildings at our development in New Capital Quay, Greenwich, at no cost whatsoever to the leaseholders. This involved all associated costs including the 24-hour waking watch and installation and subsequently the removal of interim fire safety measures.
Galliard Homes places the utmost importance on its corporate responsibilities to owners and occupiers of apartment blocks we have constructed.
We have been clear with the Government, from the outset, that the cost of remediation should be borne fairly between all participants, including Galliard Homes. Following the recent progress of the Government in its endeavours to deliver a voluntary and joined-up industry-wide response to rectifying historic building defects, I am pleased to announce that in accordance with our principles of business Galliard Homes are now signatories of the Building Safety Repairs Pledge.
Stephen Conway
Chairman and CEO